Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Anchor

~Side Note~ Sorry I've been away. Self published The Unchained Moon which will be available October 3rd. And the new novel Lucid had been taking up my time. But as I'm able to adjust to a schedule I intend to post more. Thank you for your patience. And without further adieu, The Anchor.

The brave knight climbed the steep mountain to the cave at it's peak. Inside he knew the dragon slept. He steadied his sword and cemented his courage. Into the darkness he charged. The cave was different though. It's blackness was not just as absence of light.

The walls were covered in scales. At once a giant eye sprang open. Our hero knew then the dragon wasn't sleeping in the cave. It was in fact the mountain. His armor shined as he retreated from the giant eye socket. His feet slipped on the rocks as they began to fall into the cavern below.

As if the dragon had possessed the world a storm ripped though the sky. Everything began to spin in the violent winds. The noble knight shoved his sword into the ground to allow him a handle. But his sword was tossed away as the scales of the beast broke free of their rocky prison.

In his moment of absolute defeat our hero saw a tree. It grew from the ground and spiraled into the sky. The dragon must have been wrapped around it.

Just as the last rock flew into the storm he grabbed hold of a branch. He felt as though the beautiful tree cad reached out for him. The dragon pulled it's massive body into the sky. Our hero could only see it's shadow back lit by the lightning.

But he wasn't afraid. He watched the tree sway in the wind. Such pure strength. Even though he only had one hand clasped around it's branch it was enough. He felt safe.

"You OK", her voice brought him back to reality.

He was standing in the park. The sound of cars and people in the distance. He looked down at her hand in his.

"Yea, I'm fine."