Monday, August 3, 2015

Anubis Part 1

Long ago in a forgotten desert was a city ruled by a mighty king. Anubis was just a man then for removed from the exulted role the Egyptians would eventually crown him as. Anubis was a general then in a war with the undead. To the East were catacomb like caves. In these catacombs a necromancer had made his home. Every night Anubis and his men would stand guard as hordes of the undead flooded the town, abducting the citizens and dragging them deep beneath the sand.

Anubis had lead many raids on the catacombs, but they were vast and well guarded. Tired of losing both soldiers and people Anubis became desperate. He heard rumors that far to the west there was an Oracle who could show him an answer to his problem.

For seven days Anubis traveled across the desert with a small group of men. Every night he prayed the remaining forces could repel the invading horde. The journey was hard and dangerous. The desert was filled with far more creatures than it is today. Anubis arrived at the Oracle's temple with only four soldiers at his side. 

The temple appeared abandoned. Skeletons lay crumpled in corners. Anubis and his men drew their swords and proceeded with caution. They made their way to the doors of the inner sanctum, giant stone doors adorned with snakes. Slowly Anubis pushed the giant stone doors open. Inside a woman was suspended in a beam of light. She was wrapped in white sheets that covered most of her body. All that was visible was her hands and face.

The men spread out in the room looking for danger. But it was small, and only the woman seemed to be inside. Anubis walked up the steps toward her. She seemed to be in some sort of deep sleep. The three men kept guard below. 

"Oracle, I've come for your guidance", said Anubis.

The Oracle's head slowly rolled around and her eyes opened. Two slits focused in on Anubis. Seeing her eyes Anubis stepped back and drew his sword. The Oracle shifted to life. But she seemed confined by her prison of light. The cloth covering her head began to move as if something beneath was trying to get free.

"You're a Gorgon", Anubis said in shock.
"Yesss, I am", the creature hissed back.
"Is it true Gorgons possess  forbidden knowledge?"
"I know things to come, and ways of old. I know you've traveled here looking for a way to save your people from the creatures beneath the sand."
"Do you know how I can can accomplish this?"
"Perhapsss, but I need something in return."
"What is your price?"
"Free me. let me back into the world. I am the last of my kind." 
 "If I let you out of that pen you'll eat us. I am aware of Gorgon tricks."
"Then we have no deal. Return to your dead city."
"Wait, how can I be assured you won't attack us when you are free?" 

At this request the three other men became nervous. It had been so long since anyone had seen a Gorgon. But the stories of their vicious attacks was legendary.

"I can't promise I won't eat you. I've been trapped here for so long. But I am very weak. You would have no trouble out running me in this state."

Anubis considered this carefully.

"Tell me how to save my people first", he said.
"Very well, south of here is a small tribe of shapeshifters. They have the ability to become wolves. I can give you the knowledge and power to harness their gift and use it for your own."
I will give each of your men the ability to absorb their power. Then, I'll give them knowledge to turn that power into a weapon."
 "What about me?"
"Wait outside, so you know you're safe. If I lose control you can close the doors sealing me inside. The worst, you'll lose your men."
"I can't do that."

But even as Anubis spoke one  of his men was at his side.

"Sir, if it'll save our people, I'm willing to try", he said.

The Gorgon smiled showing off a toothless mouth.

"Above me is a crystal. A Well placed arrow should remove it", she said.

Anubis was skeptical, but he could see no other way. He walked down the steps and out of the room. He turned back and watched through the open doors. One of his men lined up the shot with his bow. Anubis heard the sound of the bow followed quickly by the sound of breaking glass. The Gorgon dropped to the ground. Slowly she rose up. And for the first time Anubis realized she didn't have legs.
She reached out and placed her hand on one of the men's heads. Anubis watched as a bright light flashed. The man dropped to his knees then began scrambling toward him. The Gorgon already had her hand on the second man when the first cleared the door. The second quickly scrambled as well. The third just dropped to the ground but the Gorgon was on him. Her tail wrapped around him. He looked out toward the others with fear in his eyes.

"Pull the door", Anubis shouted.

The tree men struggled to get the door closed. Anubis jammed a pear through a ring in hopes of holding it. But she was already on the other side. They could hear her thrash and claw at the stone. The door wouldn't last long. Anubis and his men fled the temple. He knew she would be free soon and looking for them. That night they made camp on top of some boulders they'd found. This way at least they'd see her coming.

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