Sunday, August 9, 2015


The brass pocket watch hung from a chain. It dangled from the man's pocket open, exposing itself to the world. The three hands reached out into different directions, but were still. Nothing moved. It was like time had stopped. Carefully the man reached down and pulled the motionless clock to back into his hand and closed it. The watch once had a very important job. Once it marked every second of every day. But now, it sits as a reminder of a very specific time.

She sat down across the table from him. He smiled, and drank tea. They talked about empty things. The conversation wasn't important. She liked him; he could tell. Eventually she had to leave. He asked if her could walk her home. Standing on her front step he was nervous. He didn't want to be nervous. He wanted to be strong and confident for her. He stuck his hand in his pocket. Gripping the watch he felt reassured. He leaned in. She didn't stop him.

Soon they were in her apartment. Their hearts raced as their hands pulled apart clothes. He held her close when the frenzy ended. They slept the night.

In the morning the watch lay open. Carefully it gazed up at her face as she studied it. Slowly the sound of a waking man filled the room. She looked at him, cradling the watch in her hands. The time and date were set to the first time they met, outside a little coffee shop. She stared at him, almost puzzled.

"It's the last time I ever felt sadness", he said. 

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